Mind The Age Gap

How to start in Real Estate! Is it worth it?? - Episode 7

Mind The Age Gap Season 1 Episode 7

Let's be real here, we've all seen those wanker agents on social media in their 3 piece tux, driving their Mercedes wrapped in more gold jewellery than you can count.... you can't help but despise them. You also can't help but think "hey, maybe I should start in real estate" lmao. 

Today you're joined with Gavin, Rach, Holee and Sarah, who go through everything you need to know starting out in the industry. 

Gavin is currently the #1 agent in Ray White Vic/Tas so even he goes through how long it took, how much money he ACTUALLY earned starting out (spoiler.. its sh*t all) and some of the mistakes he made along the way. 

Got any questions that weren't answered? Have episode ideas? Want pics of my dog?
Send me an email: 

Gavin: @gavin.staindl
Sarah: @ssarahmcdougal
Rach: @rachaeldalton.x
Holee: @holeeberry