Mind The Age Gap

How the hell do I get a rental??? - Episode 6

Mind The Age Gap

Currently in Australia we are battling with a rental crisis. There simply aren't enough investment properties to meet the demand of the growing population! 

So in todays episode we are joined with our beloved Rental Department Manager Paige, commonly known as PJ!!!!

We discuss all things Rentals from applications, your rights as a tenant and even touch on the topic of some agents "auctioning" off Rentals to the highest bidding tenant.... YUCK (also very illegal btw). 

Being a renter myself, I know this episode will be useful to all those far and wide. But just a small reminder that this is mainly quoting Victorian Legislation and to double check the laws if you're listening from any other state!!

Got any questions or feedback?? 

email me on: sarah.mcdougal@raywhite.com

Gavin: @gavin.staindl
Sarah: @ssarahmcdougal 
Rach: @rachaeldalton.x
Holee: @holeeberry