Mind The Age Gap

How the hell do I sell my first house?? - Episode 5

Mind The Age Gap Season 1 Episode 5

HOW MUCH DO REAL ESTATE AGENTS ACTUALLY EARN...? Is it too much money? What are some tactics agents use to earn MORE money and how can vendors combat this? 

These are all incredible questions that the real estate industry tend to brush over and avoid to answer... but not today! 

Gav, Rach, Holee and Sarah go through the entire house selling process including choosing an agent, marketing, commission structure and how much $$$ it will ACTUALLY cost you (!!!!).

This is an episode you wouldn't want to miss out on.

Message us on instagram!

Gavin: @gavin.staindl
Sarah: @ssarahmcdougal
Rach: @rachaeldalton.x
Holee: @holeeberry